Thursday, July 12, 2007

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Hi Inner Circle Member:

Happy July. It is finally summer in Vancouver, BC. After a soggy June (yes, all we talk about is the weather here!), someone has finally flipped the switch and turned on the summer weather (and temperatures). Today, our temperatures are hitting 27 degrees Celsius (for those of us over 40 or living in the USA that is 80.6 degrees Fahrenheit).

We have our kids in a few activities (musical theatre and robotics; not combined!!) in July, though we will be off to our Point Roberts, Washington, cabin for August. Last weekend we had ALL our young cousins at the house…I’m still cleaning up! This weekend we are heading over the Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island to visit with our friends we made when I was Head of Queen Margaret School. It is a beautiful valley with wineries, organic crops, beaches, secret swimming holes, and drifting miles (oh, kilometers) down the Cowichan River on a hot day. I hope your summer plans are enfolding as you had planned.

Many of you have sent emails thanking or condemning me for my eZine section, “Inner Circle Thought of the Week.” Talk about hitting both ends of the market. For those of you that have met me, you’ll know that a sense of humour is a part of the way I approach work and my personal life. I think that you can never take life too serious, and you need to sometimes take a step back and catch your breath and see life from the glass half-full. Hence, the addition of humour in my correspondence to you. I think you’ll like today’s simple home remedies.

Two effective services you should consider before you start school up again this fall:

1). 1-Day Board Governance Retreat to unite your board and fine-turn their performance. To find out more, cut-and-paste or click here:

2). Strategic Planning to bring your school together. To find out more, cut-and-paste or click here:

Enjoy today’s eZine,

Doug Halladay


Halladay Education Group Inc.

NOTE: If you want to see this eZine in a more eye-catching format, you can read it and the past issues at my BLOG at:



In This Issue


1. Services You Can Use

2. Products You Will Want To Have

3. Strategic Planning Workbook - Looking At The Mission Statement

4. Inner Circle Thought of the Week


  1. Services You Can Use


Do you want your private school or nonprofit to be more successful in board governance, to effectively develop your own strategic plan, or start your own school? If so, our services can help. Please email us at or call us at 604-868-0002 to find out more about how we can help you with:

- Starting A School

- Strategic Planning

- Board Governance Workshops and Evaluations

- Head of School Searches

- Coaching for Board Chairs and Heads of School

- Institutional Assessments

- International Student Marketing/Recruiting

- International Education Development Projects

To find out more click and/or cut-and-paste click here:


2. Products You Will Want To Have


(A). "Strategic Planning Toolkit: 10 Steps to Success!!" (#1 BEST SELLER)

Learn How To Develop Your Own Strategic Plan Like The Pro's With This Easy To Follow, Step-By-Step, All-In-One Strategic Planning Toolkit. To find out more, cut-and-paste or click here:

(B). "Inner Circle Webinar Series -- Secrets of Starting Your Own School” (#2 BEST SELLER)

Are you still struggling with starting your own for- or non-profit K-12 School, College, University, or Institute? You're not alone.
I share with you how to start a school from the viewpoint of those who have been in the trenches and understand how to put a school together efficiently, and cost effectively. These include:

1. “Independent School Formation: The Critical First Steps"

2. “9 Secrets To Starting A US Charter School

3. “8 Golden Rules of Starting a Junior School

4. “Starting a Successful Private Senior School from the Ground Up”

5. “10 Steps To A Winning Strategic Plan”

6. “The Whole Enchilada - All 5 Webinars at 40% Off”

To find out more, cut-and-paste or click here:


3. Strategic Planning Workbook - Looking At The Mission Statement


Today, I am taking a section from my Strategic Planning Workbook, which is part of my Strategic Planning Toolkit ©. Strategic planning encompasses innumerable facets of effective leadership. Principals and Head’s of School who involves strategic planning in his or her administrative setting will incorporate these three dimensions:

1. Analyzing the present and anticipating the future;

2. Establishing a vision, mission and goals based on “what is” and “what should be”;

3. Establishing specific objectives and actions.

In my research at San Diego State University, it has been found that school leaders fail in planning due to “bad process’ rather than any inadequacies in the plans themselves. The skills involved in developing the plans are of little consequence. Thus, if the leader is not effectively prepared in developing a cohesive, organized plan, the leader, will also not be prepared to implement the plan.

I maintain that plans are not forecasts or predictions of what will be or should be. They are agendas for action. The plan will be incomplete until it calls for specific persons to begin doing specific things, with specific timetables. The school leader is the “specific person” who will initiate the implementation of the objectives of the strategic plan. The plans are of no value if they are not put into action.

MISSION STATEMENT: a brief, comprehensive statement of purpose of an agency, program or subprogram.

The mission statement is an important tool in focusing your organization’s efforts. The mission is part of the organization’s identity, is all encompassing and rarely changes, and is the ultimate rationale for the existence of the organization. When writing a mission statement, consideration should be given to these questions:

Who are we?

What do we do?

For whom we do it?

Why do we do it?

How do we do it?

Mission Statement Criteria. It should reflect the distinctive competencies of the organization:

- It should be brief

- It should be simply worded and easily understood

- It should not be so universal that it could have been written for any school

- It should be clear statement about what, who, and how the organization serves

- It should have a primary focus on a single strategic thrust (vision)

In Worksheet No. 8 we look at your mission statement. A mission statement should clarify the organization’s purpose and indicate why it is doing what it does. In other words, it should answer the question, “Ultimately, what are we here to do? You will need to answer the following questions:

1. What is your current mission? What does it say about who you are, what your purpose is, what business you are in, who you serve, and how you serve them?

2. To complete the process, you should clarify three questions within the organization:

A. WHAT function does the organization perform (need)?

B. WHO does the organization primarily perform for?

C. HOW does the organization plan to go about its business?

3. In general, what are the basic needs you exist to fill? Or, what are the basic problems you exist to address?

4. What is your role in filling these needs or addressing these problems? How does it differ from the roles of other organizations? (Remember, don’t be a so safe in you description that you could use your statement with another school).

5. In general, what do you want to do to recognize or anticipate and respond to these needs or problems?

6. How should you respond to your key stakeholders?

7. What is our philosophy, and what are your core values?

8. Is your current mission dated, and if so, how?

9. What changes in the mission would you propose?




Take a look over the checklist below and indicate if your mission statement meets the criteria of the litmus test.


1. Does it clearly state what business you are in?

2. Is it broad enough that all staff in the organization can see how they contribute?

3. Can the mission survive changes in administration?

4. Is the rationale for the organization’s existence clear?

5. Does it articulate the ultimate outcomes you want?

6. Will it make sense to average citizens if they see it on your office wall?

7. Does it answer who we are, what and for whom we do what we do, and why it’s important?

8. Is it obvious why we spend money on such an effort?

9. Will you be embarrassed if you see it on the front page of the newspaper?

How did you score? A good mission statement should hit at least 7 out of 9. If you did not fair so well, then you should seriously review your mission statement at your board’s next annual retreat. Remember, it is the mission that drives the organization.

If you would like more information about STRATEGIC PLANNING, call me at 1-604-868-0002 or email me at , or go to:


4. Inner Circle Thought of the Week



1. If you are choking on an ice cube, don't panic. Simply pour a cup of boiling water down your throat and presto, the blockage will be almost instantly removed.

2. Clumsy? Avoid cutting yourself while slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them while you chop.

3. You can avoid arguments with the Mrs. about lifting the toilet seat just by using the sink.

4. For high blood pressure sufferers: simply cut yourself and bleed for a few minutes, thus reducing the pressure in your veins. Remember to use an egg timer.

5. A mouse trap placed on top of your alarm clock will prevent you from rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button.

6. If you have a bad cough, take a large dose of laxatives. Then you will be afraid to cough.

7. Have a bad toothache? Smash your thumb with a hammer. You will forget all about the toothache.

8. Remember: Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. (Personally, I think this should be number one.)

9. Sometimes, we just need to remember what the rules of life really are:
In life, you only need two tools - WD-40 and Duct Tape.
If it doesn't move but should, use the WD-40.
If it should not move and does, use the duct tape.

Smile and enjoy your day.


To your success,

Douglas Halladay

President and Founder

4316 Arthur Drive, Ladner, BC, Canada, V4K 2W8

P: 604.868.0002/F: 868.472.8737/Email:


P.S. Do not forget to check out our Online Store for ways to invest in improving or starting your own school. Check it out here:
