Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Legacy That Makes A Difference

Hi Inner Circle Member:

I just got back from my trip to San Francisco and Napa (without my luggage!). The weather was fantastic with blue skies and temperatures of up to 75 F. Back home in Vancouver they had a brief snowfall!! I lucked out at the car rental agency and was upgraded to a Mustang convertible, which allowed me to get a tan driving to my meetings. ;-)

While down in the Bay area I had the opportunity to meet with two unique education groups, The New Technology Foundation (NTF) and Wingspan Partnerships. Their websites are:



NTF is a foundation whose mission specializes in helping public schools and non-profits put together technology-based schools that focus on skills for the 21st century and project-based learning.

Wingspan Partnership’s mission is to narrow the education gap by developing and supporting partnerships between public and private schools. Jacqueline Smethurst and David Drinkwater are committed to enhancing the lives and learning of students and offer guidance and financial support for schools, with a special emphasis on bringing resources to underserved communities through school-to-school partnerships.

I met with Jacqueline in beautiful and historic downtown Napa and chatted with her about her new organization. Jacqueline is an experienced and thoughtful former Head of School and recently applied her vision of school partnerships at Sage Hills School in Newport Beach. In our conversations it got me thinking about the new schools I help start and their mission, as well as schools I develop strategic plans for. Most schools focus on the learner as their primary focus and touch on service as part of their educational philosophy. But what if schools expanded their mission and vision to develop learners that had a lasting impact on their community?

Last week I talked about what goes into a great mission statement. Today in my eNewsletter I am going to talk about how your school, new or established, should develop a mission that creates a lasting legacy that impacts your community for generations.

Enjoy the eNewsletter,

Doug Halladay

President and Founder
Halladay Education Group Inc.


In This Issue


1. In The News

2. Services That Your School Needs

3. A Legacy That Makes A Difference

4. Products To Invest In To Start And Lead Your School


1. In The News


Frustrated Neighbors Say School Big Enough

For two decades, some north Capitol Hill neighbours have grudgingly accepted the presence of a nearby private elementary school, putting up with playground noise that disrupts their...

Consultants Help Modernize Arab Schools

Education Week News - Bethesda, MD, USA

The UAE has also begun a pilot project to start charter schools in its capital city, Abu Dhabi. “It is absolutely wise to appoint well-known experts from ...

Harvard Rearcher: Education Key to Longevity

Voice of AmericaUSA

She says one important factor in people's health is the amount of education they have. In her most recent paper, Meara looked at data from the United States...


2. Services That Your School Needs



Starting a school can be very challenging and you never have a 2nd chance to make a first impression. This is why you need a firm that has experience starting schools in USA and Canada. Our services include:

1. One-Day Comprehensive Overview Session and Report

2. Formal Feasibility Study

3. Detailed Business Plan Development

4. Full Turn-Key School Formation Services From Start To Finish

6. Ongoing Consulting Services and Retainer

7. Ongoing Management and Operations Services

If you would like more information about my services and range of fees related to help start your school, please call me at 1-604-868-0002, email me at, or click on the following link to download my brochure outlining services and fees:

>>> (B) Strategic Planning

Do you want a plan to improve your school? Then you need a Strategic Plan. I can develop a comprehensive Plan that will build consensus, motivate donors, and define critical priorities and strategies for your Board and Administration to improve your school.

Click on the following link to download my brochure on our Strategic Planning process, or call me at 1-604-868-0002, or email me at Click on the following link to download my firm’s brochure outlining Strategic Planning services:


Do you want your school or non-profit to have better leadership? If so, my full-day governance workshop and online survey helps your trustees to fine-tune their performance and refocus their mandate. Please email me at or call us at 604-868-0002 to find out more about how we can help you. Click on the following link to download my brochure


3. A Legacy That Makes A Difference


Last week I talked about your school’s vision and mission statements. Your vision statement answers the question where will your school be in five year and your mission statement explains the purpose of your school. The mission should evolve from your guiding core values. By seeking the why as it emerges from core values a school can define its points of distinction and better communicate the experience it offers.

An effective mission statement should answer the following questions:

1. What function does the organization perform (need)?

2. Who does the organization primarily perform for?

3. How does the organization plan to go about its business?

The first question is critical – what function does your school perform? Yes, it is about providing a quality education, but it can be much more. It should inspire your students, parents, and staff to establish a lasting legacy in their local and global community. For example, Sage Hills School partnered with local public school students and staff to support student learning in low income areas. They wanted Sage Hill students and staff to feel empowered in making a continual difference in the lives of their community. Note, this is NOT just a once a year feel good experience, it is a long-term project with a scope and sequence.

Many of the nation’s most respected private schools were founded with a philosophy of contributing to the public good. Many schools involve students in community service. However, Wingspan Partnerships believes that educators have a role to play in education for all. “We believe that public purpose should be a central value in all schools, public as well as private, and that we all have a particular responsibility for the education of the underserved.”

What impact is your school making in your community? Have you embedded this into your mission statement and core values?

We can help re-define your mission statement or develop your entire strategic plan. For more information please or email us at to discuss your needs or download our brochure at the following link:

If you would like to comment on this eNewsletter story please insert at the bottom of this article.


4. Products To Invest In To Start And Lead Your School


Do you want effective tools to help start and manage your school? These 2 products will make a difference.


Learn How To Develop Your Own Strategic Plan Like An Expert With This Easy To Follow, Step-By-Step, All-In-One Strategic Planning Toolkit and Manual. Get all the details here:


Are you still struggling with starting your School, College, University, or Institute? You are not alone. I share with you how to start a school from the words of those who have been in the trenches and understand how to put a school together efficiently and cost effectively. These include:

1. Independent School Formation: The Critical First Steps

2. 9 Secrets To Starting A US Charter School

3. 8 Golden Rules of Starting a Junior School

4. Starting a Successful Private Senior School from the Ground Up

5. 10 Steps To A Winning Strategic Plan

6. The Whole Enchilada - All 5 Webinars at 40% Off

Get all the details here:


To your success,

Douglas Halladay

President and Founder

Halladay Education Group Inc.


P.S. Do not forget to check out our secure Online Store for ways to invest in improving or starting your own school or non-profit. Here is the link:



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