One of the most critical elements of starting and leading a sustainable private school is the leadership of your school. It starts right at the top with your board of governors. They have a responsibility to achieve the mission of the school for not just today’s students, but for the next generation of students.
Do you think your board of governors is collectively and individually doing the best they can?
Our firm is positioned to help your board understand what great boards should be doing, figuring out what they are not doing well, and then putting a game plan together to make immediate improvements.
Please read on to find out more,
Doug Halladay
President and Founder
Halladay Education Group Inc.
If you want to find out how, you can click here for board evaluation workshops.
Board Performance Workshop and Online Survey
Are you looking for a Workshop that will Improve the Performance of Your Board?
During the past 25 years, I have worked with many schools...PreK-12, University Prep, Special Needs, Single Gender, Co-Ed, International, Boarding, and ESL. They were all trying to develop a Governance model that focused trustees on the critical elements of exceptional boards, but they were not firing on all cylinders.
If your board is not performing as effectively as you need, or you want to make it better, we can help. Discover a way to help your trustees become an exceptional governance unit – quickly, measurably, and easily. The solution is my…
Board Performance Workshop & Online Survey
As the Chair, Trustee, or Senior Administrator of a Private School, does your board experience any of the following:
- Trustee behaviour that is unproductive and not aligned with your mission;
- Board agenda that is controlled by crisis rather than a clear vision;
- Board committees that exist only because they have always been there, not because they are needed;
- No link between budget, tuition setting, or a long-term plan;
- Blurring of boundaries and channels between the roles of the Board and Administration;
- Unsure of how to move your Board and school to the next level;
- Board commitment greater than you would like it to be and has become too taxing and stressful; Inability to attract and keep good trustees.
1). Five separate statistically-driven online surveys with your staff/faculty, parents, student, and/or alumni for board feedback on what is working and what is not
2). The board survey is a 360° online “Board Performance Self-Assessment Survey” based on years of research that evaluates your board’s performance in the following areas and builds a profile of your board’s performance gaps in:
- Mission and Purpose
- Strategic Planning
- Programs and Services
- Financial Resources and Oversight
- Fiscal Oversight
- Risk Management Policies
- Support and Review of the Head of School
- Relationship between Board and Staff
- Public Image
- Selection and Orientation of New Board Members
- Board Structure and Efficient Operation of the Board
- Board Committees and Task Forces
- Individual self-evaluation
4). Hands-on case scenarios that highlight effective board practices and create discussion points around familiar issues that need a consistent board approach
5). Receive a “Summative Board Report” providing a comprehensive overview of the board’s survey results, issues, and a plan of action for improvement
When You Take The Workshop, Your Board Will Walk Away With a Different Outlook…
- Identifying critical areas of board operation that need attention and using it as a springboard to strengthen board performance
- Assessing progress towards existing plans, goals, and objectives
- Better preparation for a Strategic Plan or major Fundraising Campaign Serving as an effective orientation and inclusion process for new board members
- Building trust, respect, team-work, and communication amongst board members and the Head
- Clarifying the respective roles of the board and staff
- Gaining credibility for the organization amongst donors to support fundraising
- Ensuring that all board members have a shared understanding of the board’s roles and responsibilities
- Enabling individual board members to work more effectively as part of the team
- Identifying and reaching consensus on critical issues before they become a crisis
- Building a stronger Head-Board relationship
If you are interested in finding more details about the process you can contact Doug Halladay at:
- phone (604-868-0002) or
- email (
To your success,
Douglas Halladay
President and Founder
Halladay Education Group Inc.