4316 Arthur Drive, Delta, BC, Canada V4K 2W8
P: 604.868.0002 | E: info@halladayeducationgroup.com

Sunday, November 18, 2007

How Do You Improve Your School's Community Profile?

Hi Inner Circle Member:

Ah, the fall weather. We had huge wind storm last week that knocked out power and shorted the power line to our house. The good news is that we replaced the faulty power line. The bad news is that every leaf in the neighborhood seemed to have been blown into my yard!

Today is a big day for our local football team, the BC Lions. I am off to a friend’s house to watch the game and cheer on our team.

The team has been in and out of popularity for the last few decades due to bad leadership and performance. They seemed to lack focus and did not stay connected to their community. Then, 4 years ago the team rehired Bob Ackles, who refocused the team on and off the field. They have now been in the playoffs every year and won the final championship last year.

My question today is whether your school is truly focused on its mission and does that connect with your community in the form of more mission-specific students?

Enjoy the eNewsletter,

Doug Halladay
President and Founder

Halladay Education Group Inc.


In This Issue


1. In The News

2. Can Your Board Do Better?

3. How Do Improve Our Community Profile?

4. Products To Invest In

5. Inner Circle Thought of the Week


1. In The News


Death Nail: Will Charter Schools Destroy Inner-City Catholic Schools?
Town Hall - Washington,DC,USA
asks the provocative question: Will charter schools finish off inner city Catholic private schools? Preliminary evidence suggests that charter schools are ...

To read more click on the following:


Foreign students contribute a lot to US economy
International Herald Tribune - France
"These are foreign people buying an American product, and the Department of Commerce says international education is our fifth-largest service export, ...

To read more click on the following:


A British solution for California public schools?
UC Davis - Davis,CA,USA
... senior consultant, Cambridge Education, UK • Scott Hill, Undersecretary for Education for California • Alan Bersin, former Secretary of Education for ...

To read more click on the following:



2. Can Your Board Do Better?


Do you want your private school or nonprofit to be more successful in board governance? If so, our full-day governance workshop help your board fine-tune their performance and prime them for the coming year. Please email me at info@halladayeducationgroup.com or call us at 604-868-0002 to find out more about how we can help you with:

If your board is not performing as effectively as you need, or you want to make it better, you are not alone. Discover a way to help your trustees become an exceptional governance unit – quickly, measurably, and easily. The solution is my…

Click on the following link to download our brochure on



3. How Do We Improve Our Community Profile?



Our problem is getting people to understand what we are [school]. They make assumptions about cost or legitimacy of our curriculum without bothering to check us out. I guess we're not terribly good at marketing!


Marketing is a critical element to increasing the quantity and quality of the students you attract to your school.

Many people think that it is cheesy to put time/energy/resources into marketing and branding your school (rather than the classroom), but they are badly misled.

To get better students (who match the mission of your school), you need to improve the quality of your programs, let your community know your successes, and clearly communicate the unique strengths/benefits of your school to the parents/students. Special note: too many school talk about their features, but should really talk about their benefits.

But first, schools need to take the time to clearly define what their school’s mission, vision, values, and philosophy are about. This removes the blurry lines and forces the school to understand what kind of student they serve, how they do it, and then evaluate if they are doing what they say they are doing, or have they lost their alignment with what their institution is really about (where they are investing their resources).

Then the school needs to put together performance-based marketing strategies to determine how/what to spend their money effectively on attracting new students/parents and keeping their current students/parents (note: it is cheaper to keep your current students than it is to get new ones -- think building positive relationships).

A good example is a school that I was involved with had a rotating door for school leadership. Every new leader arrived and decided that they were going to increase/stabilize enrolment by focusing on a new education market (while not losing the current ones). Though the school's mission did not initially change, their programming, staffing, resources, and facilities changed to each new market that they served. In the end, they were so thinly spread, that they did not serve any of their market segments well. This in turn affected the quality of education and quality/quantity of the students they enrolled.

All this from not clearly defining and sticking to their mission/vision/values/philosophy.

In summary, you need to re/determine the purpose of your school (who, what, how), your vision of where your school will be in the next 5 years, what values drive all of your school’s decisions, and what your educational philosophy is truly about.

Then you can determine the measurable strategies (message, media) to get your communities’ attention about the strengths of your school.

If you want me to come in to do an institutional assessment of your marketing/admissions systems and present recommendations, call me at 1-604-868-0002 or email me at info@halladayeducationgroup.com


4. Products To Invest In


Do you want effective tools that can help you start and lead your own school? These 2 products can help.


Learn How To Develop Your Own Strategic Plan Like The Pro's With This Easy To Follow, Step-By-Step, All-In-One Strategic Planning Toolkit. Get all the details here:



Are you still struggling with starting your own for- or non-profit K-12 School, College, University, or Institute? You're not alone. I share with you how to start a school from the viewpoint of those who have been in the trenches and understand how to put a school together efficiently, and cost effectively. These include:

1. Independent School Formation: The Critical First Steps

2. 9 Secrets To Starting A US Charter School

3. 8 Golden Rules of Starting a Junior School

4. Starting a Successful Private Senior School from the Ground Up

5. 10 Steps To A Winning Strategic Plan

6. The Whole Enchilada - All 5 Webinars at 40% Off

Get all the details here:



5. Inner Circle Thought of the Week


You're An EXTREME Redneck (Hillbilly) When.....

1. The Blue Book value of your truck goes up and down depending on how much gas is in it.

2. You wonder how service stations keep their rest-rooms so clean.

3. Someone in your family died right after saying, 'Hey, guys, watch this.'

4. You have to go outside to get something from the fridge.

Smile and enjoy the day.


To your success,

Douglas Halladay
President and Founder

Halladay Education Group Inc.
4316 Arthur Drive, Ladner, BC, Canada, V4K 2W8
P: 604.868.0002 / F: 868.472.8737 / Email:



P.S. Do not forget to check out our secure Online Store for ways to invest in improving or starting your own school or non-profit. Here is the link:

--> http://www.halladayeducationgroup.com/products/products.php


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